Where is Sao Tome and Principe?

Sao Tome and Principe is located in the Northern Africa region at latitude 0.18636 and longitude 6.613081 and is part of the African continent.

The DMS coordinates for the center of the country are:

  • 0ยฐ 11' 10.90'' N
  • 6ยฐ 36' 47.09'' E

You can see the location of Sao Tome and Principe on the world map below:

Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe pointed out on the map by a flag pin.

The country has no neighboring countries/land borders.

Maritime Borders

Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe bordres with the Gulf of Guinea.

Sao Tome and Principe Related Content

Sao Tome and Principe Key Facts

CountrySao Tome and Principe
CoordinatesLatitude: 0.18636
Longitude: 6.613081
Country CodesAlpha 2: ST
Alpha 3: STP
Country Flag Emoji๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡น
Int. Phone Prefix+239
Capital citySรฃo Tomรฉ
Northern Africa
Country Area964 sq km
Population 2021223,364
World Rank: 175
Median Age18.4
Life expectancy67.6
Major languagesPortuguese
UTC/GMT TimeNumber of time zones: 1
  • UTC+01:00
Internet TLD.st
Biggest AirportSรฃo Tomรฉ International Airport (TMS)
Average temperature27.00 ยฐC
80.60 ยฐF
Administrative Divisions1 autonomous region 6 districts
Political systemParliamentary democracy

Sao Tome and Principe Economy Facts

World Bank Income GroupLower middle income
World Bank RegionSub-Saharan Africa
CurrencyNew Dobra (STN)
GDP in 2020$0.5 (billions of USD)
World Rank: 186
GDP per capita in 2020$2,158
World Rank: 144
Major Industries / Economic SectorsAgriculture, manufacturing, energy, services
Top 5 Import CountriesChina, Portugal, Brazil, India, United States
Top 5 Export CountriesUnited States, China, India, Portugal, Brazil

Biggest Cities in Sao Tome and Principe

Here are the largest cities in Sao Tome and Principe based on 2021 data:

City Population
Sao Tome 56,166
Trindade 6,636
Santo Antonio 1,300

Map of Sao Tome and Principe with the Largest Cities

Other Countries in the Northern Africa Region