Where is Grenada?

Grenada is located in the Caribbean region at latitude 12.262776 and longitude -61.604171 and is part of the North American continent.

The DMS coordinates for the center of the country are:

  • 12° 15' 45.99'' N
  • 61° 36' 15.02'' W

You can see the location of Grenada on the world map below:

Pin pointing out Grenada on a map.

The country has no neighboring countries/land borders.

Maritime Borders

Grenada borders with the Caribbean Sea.

Grenada Related Content

Grenada Key Facts

CoordinatesLatitude: 12.262776
Longitude: -61.604171
Country CodesAlpha 2: GD
Alpha 3: GRD
Country Flag Emoji🇬🇩
Int. Phone Prefix+1-473
Capital citySt. George's
North America
Country Area344 sq km
Population 2021113,015
World Rank: 180
Median Age30.8
Life expectancy74.9
Major languagesEnglish (official), French patois
UTC/GMT TimeNumber of time zones: 1
  • UTC−04:00
Internet TLD.gd
Biggest AirportMaurice Bishop Airport (GND)
Average temperature26.00 °C
78.80 °F
Administrative Divisions6 parishes 1 dependency
Political systemParliamentary democracy

Grenada Economy Facts

World Bank Income GroupUpper middle income
World Bank RegionLatin America & Caribbean
CurrencyEastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD)
GDP in 2020$1 (billions of USD)
World Rank: 180
GDP per capita in 2020$9,273
World Rank: 69
Major Industries / Economic SectorsAgriculture, manufacturing, tourism, energy
Top 5 Import CountriesUnited States, China, Trinidad and Tobago, Japan, United Kingdom
Top 5 Export CountriesUnited States, China, Brazil, India, United Arab Emirates

Biggest Cities in Grenada

Here are the largest cities in Grenada based on 2021 data:

City Population
Saint George's 4,315

Map of Grenada with the Largest Cities

Other Countries in the Caribbean Region

Grenada Political Map

Grenada politcal map
Grenada politcal map

The first-level administrative divisions of Grenada consist of six parishes and one dependency.

The parishes are Saint Andrew, Saint David, Saint George, Saint John, Saint Mark, and Saint Patrick. The dependency is Carriacou and Petite Martinique.