Dominica is located in the Caribbean region at latitude 15.414999 and longitude -61.370976 and is part of the North American continent.
The DMS coordinates for the center of the country are:
- 15Β° 24' 54.00'' N
- 61Β° 22' 15.51'' W
You can see the location of Dominica on the world map below:
![Flag pin pointing out the location of Dominica on the Caribbean Map](
The country has no neighboring countries/land borders.
Maritime Borders
Dominica borders with the Caribbean Sea.
Dominica Related Content
Dominica Key Facts
Country | Dominica |
Coordinates | Latitude: 15.414999 Longitude: -61.370976 |
Country Codes | Alpha 2: DM Alpha 3: DMA |
Country Flag Emoji | π©π² |
Int. Phone Prefix | +1-767 |
Capital city | Roseau |
Continent Subcontinent | North America Caribbean |
Country Area | 751 sq km |
Population 2021 | 72,172 World Rank: 186 |
Median Age | 31.6 |
Life expectancy | 72.8 |
Major languages | English (official), French patois |
UTC/GMT Time | Number of time zones: 1
Internet TLD | .dm |
Biggest Airport | DouglasβCharles Airport (DOM) |
Average temperature | 22.35 Β°C 72.23 Β°F |
Administrative Divisions | 10 parishes |
Political system | Parliamentary democracy |
Dominica Economy Facts
World Bank Income Group | Upper middle income |
World Bank Region | Latin America & Caribbean |
Currency | Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD) |
GDP in 2020 | $0.5 (billions of USD) World Rank: 188 |
GDP per capita in 2020 | $7,004 World Rank: 83 |
Major Industries / Economic Sectors | Agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, energy |
Top 5 Import Countries | United States, China, Canada, Mexico, Brazil |
Top 5 Export Countries | United States, China, Canada, United Kingdom, Venezuela |
Biggest Cities in Dominica
Here are the largest cities in Dominica based on 2021 data:
City | Population |
Roseau | 16,582 |