Papua New Guinea is located in the Australia and Oceania region at latitude -6.314993 and longitude 143.95555 and is part of the Oceania continent.
The DMS coordinates for the center of the country are:
- 6Β° 18' 53.97'' S
- 143Β° 57' 19.98'' E
You can see the location of Papua New Guinea on the world map below:
Papua New Guinea Neighboring Countries
The neighboring countries of Papua New Guinea (PG) are:
- Indonesia (ID)
Maritime Borders
Papua New Guinea borders with the Pacific Ocean.
Papua New Guinea Related Content
Papua New Guinea Key Facts
Country | Papua New Guinea |
Coordinates | Latitude: -6.314993 Longitude: 143.95555 |
Country Codes | Alpha 2: PG Alpha 3: PNG |
Country Flag Emoji | π΅π¬ |
Int. Phone Prefix | +675 |
Capital city | Port Moresby |
Continent Subcontinent | Oceania Australia and Oceania |
Country Area | 462,840 sq km |
Population 2021 | 9,119,005 World Rank: 97 |
Median Age | 21.8 |
Life expectancy | 65.4 |
Major languages | Tok Pisin (official), English (official), Hiri Motu (official), some 839 indigenous languages spoken (about 12% of the world's total); many languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers |
UTC/GMT Time | Number of time zones: 2
Internet TLD | .pg |
Biggest Airport | Port Moresby Jacksons International Airport (POM) |
Average temperature | 25.25 Β°C 77.45 Β°F |
Administrative Divisions | 1 district 20 provinces 1 autonomous region |
Political system | Parliamentary democracy |
Papua New Guinea Economy Facts
World Bank Income Group | Lower middle income |
World Bank Region | East Asia & Pacific |
Currency | Kina (PGK) |
GDP in 2020 | $24.7 (billions of USD) World Rank: 104 |
GDP per capita in 2020 | $2,757 World Rank: 137 |
Major Industries / Economic Sectors | Agriculture, manufacturing, energy, services |
Top 5 Import Countries | Australia, China, United States, Singapore, New Zealand |
Top 5 Export Countries | Australia, China, United States, Japan, South Korea |
Biggest Cities in Papua New Guinea
Here are the largest cities in Papua New Guinea based on 2021 data:
City | Population |
Port Moresby | 317,374 | Lae | 100,677 | Madang | 62,023 | Arawa | 40,266 | Mount Hagen | 29,765 | Popondetta | 28,198 | Mendi | 26,252 | Wewak | 25,143 | Goroka | 21,507 | Kavieng | 19,849 |
Map of Papua New Guinea with the Largest Cities
Other Countries in the Australia and Oceania Region
Image Sources and Copyright Information
- Papua New Guinea Flag Pin on Map: Β© hyotographics/Shutterstock