15 Countries That Start with the Letter “N”

12 UN Nation Countries That Start with “N”

There are 12 recognized United Nations member countries* that start with the letter “N”:

#Country NameEmoji FlagUN NationAlpha 3 CodePopulation (2022)Continent
4Netherlands (the)🇳🇱YesNLD17,703,090Europe
5New Zealand🇳🇿YesNZL5,124,100Oceania
9Norfolk Island🇳🇫YesNFKOceania
10North Macedonia🇲🇰YesMKD2,057,679Europe
11Northern Mariana Islands🇲🇵YesMNP49,551Oceania

*UN Nation Countries are sovereign states recognized by the United Nations as members, signifying their acceptance and participation in global diplomacy and international law. These nations have full independence and control over their internal and external affairs, and they contribute to shaping global decisions and policies through their participation in the UN.

3 Non-UN Recognized Entities That Start with “N”

There are 3 non-UN recognized entities* that start with the letter “N”:

#Country NameEmoji FlagUN NationAlpha 3 CodePopulation (2022)Continent
1New Caledonia🇳🇨NoNCL276,780Oceania
3North Korea🇰🇵NoPRK26,069,416Asia

*Non-UN Recognized Entities are geopolitical units without full recognition as independent nations by the United Nations, encompassing territories, dependencies, autonomous regions, protectorates, and de facto states. While not standalone nations, they exhibit varying degrees of self-governance and contribute significantly to cultural diversity, economic systems, and global affairs.

Countries with “N” on the World Map