Home » Geography Quizzes » Europe Capital City Quiz Europe Capital City Quiz 0% 302 Europe Capital Cities Quiz Do you know all the capital cities of Europe? If you get 80% right, you will pass the quiz! 1 / 46 What's the capital of Denmark? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 632,300 The city was founded in 1167 Interesting fact: the city has a self-governing freetown! So, what is the capital of Denmark? Aalborg Stockholm Oslo Hamburg Helsinki Copenhagen Pick one of the 6 options above. 2 / 46 What's the capital of the United Kingdom? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 8.9 million The city founding can be traced back over 2,000 years Interesting fact: Over 300 languages are spoken in this city! So, what is the capital of the United Kingdom? York Manchester Bristol Brussels London Oslo Pick one of the 6 options above. 3 / 46 What's the capital of Sweden? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 975,000 The city was founded in 1252 Interesting fact: The city was built on 14 islands! So, what is the capital of Sweden? Vilnius Tallinn Stockholm Copenhagen Oslo Helsinki Pick one of the 6 options above. 4 / 46 What's the capital of Greenland? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 18,000 The city was founded in 1728 Interesting fact: the city is the world's northernmost capital! So, what is the capital of Greenland? Nuuk Tallinn Vilnius Copenhagen Ljubljana Skopje Pick one of the 6 options above. 5 / 46 What's the capital of Latvia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 632,600 The city was founded in 1201 Interesting fact: the city has the oldest and biggest market in Europe! So, what is the capital of Latvia? Helsinki Zagreb Tallinn Riga Minsk Vilnius Pick one of the 6 options above. 6 / 46 What's the capital of Poland? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1,78 million The city was founded in 1280 Interesting fact: the city was nicknamed the “Phoenix City”! So, what is the capital of Poland? Vienna Warsaw Bern Sofia Bucharest Belgrade Pick one of the 6 options above. 7 / 46 What's the capital of Cyprus? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 200,452 The city became the capital in the 10th century Interesting fact: it is the last divided capital in the world! So, what is the capital of Cyprus? Nicosia Valletta Skopje Paphos Vaduz Athens Pick one of the 6 options above. 8 / 46 What's the capital of Belarus? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 2 million The city was founded in 1067 Interesting fact: the city's glass diamond library houses no fewer than 18 reading halls! So, what is the capital of Belarus? Nicosia Warsaw Zagreb Minsk Sofia Moscow Pick one of the 6 options above. 9 / 46 What's the capital of Malta? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 6,000 The city was founded in 1566 Interesting fact: it is the sunniest city in Europe! So, what is the capital of Malta? Skopje Valletta Palermo Podgorica Lisbon Vaduz Pick one of the 6 options above. 10 / 46 What's the capital of Hungary? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1.77 million The city was founded in 1873 Interesting fact: it's the Thermal Bath Capital of the World! So, what is the capital of Hungary? Skopje Budapest Stockholm Madrid Bratislava Bucharest Pick one of the 6 options above. 11 / 46 What's the capital of Finland? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1,54 million The city was founded in 1550 Interesting fact: it is the capital of the happiest country in the world! So, what is the capital of Finland? Tallinn Stockholm Copenhagen Kiev Helsinki Reykjavik Pick one of the 6 options above. 12 / 46 What's the capital of Belgium? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1.2 million The city was founded in 979 Interesting fact: the International Airport of this city is the world's largest chocolate selling point! So, what is the capital of Belgium? Brussels Rotterdam Bern Helsinki Strassburg Bratislava Pick one of the 6 options above. 13 / 46 What's the capital of Spain? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 3.27 million The city center was established in 1083 by King Alfonso I Interesting fact: the city is home to the oldest restaurant in the world! So, what is the capital of Spain? Bilbao Madird Paris Barcelona Lisbon Monaco Pick one of the 6 options above. 14 / 46 What's the capital of Austria? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1.9 million The city's University was founded in 1365 Interesting fact: the city has the world's oldest zoo! So, what is the capital of Austria? Graz Paris Budapest Munich Monaco Vienna Pick one of the 6 options above. 15 / 46 What's the capital of Ireland? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 588,233 The city was founded in 841 Interesting fact: the city was a Viking settlement in the 10th century! So, what is the capital of Ireland? Galway Edinbourgh Dublin Copenhagen Belfast Reykjavik Pick one of the 6 options above. 16 / 46 What's the capital of Moldova? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 639,000 The city was founded in 1436 Interesting fact: the city has the biggest horseshoe collection in the world! So, what is the capital of Moldova? Minsk Skopje Chisinau Tirana Podgorica Belgrade Pick one of the 6 options above. 17 / 46 What's the capital of Romania? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1.83 million The city was founded in 1459 Interesting fact: the city is nicknamed "The Little Paris." So, what is the capital of Romania? Budapest Ljubljana Bratislava Minsk Bucharest Bern Pick one of the 6 options above. 18 / 46 What's the capital of Monaco? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city around 39,244 The city was founded in 1297 Interesting fact: the city natives can't enter their world famous casinos! So, what is the capital of Monaco? Monaco Valletta Minsk Lichtenstein San Monaco Brussels Pick one of the 6 options above. 19 / 46 What's the capital of the Czech Republic? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1.3 million The first castle was built in the 9th century and the city was established Interesting fact: the city has the third-largest castle in the world! So, what is the capital of the Czech Republic? Minsk Podgorica Bratislava Riga Prague Budapest Pick one of the 6 options above. 20 / 46 What's the capital of Germany? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 3.6 million The city was founded in 1237 Interesting fact: the city has the longest open air gallery in the world! So, what is the capital of Germany? Zurich Berlin Strassburg Munich Brussels Bonn Pick one of the 6 options above. 21 / 46 What's the capital of the Holy See? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 453 The city was founded in 1929 Interesting fact: the Holy See is the only country in the world that’s situated inside a city! So, what is the capital of the Holy See? Monaco Rome San Marino Andorra la Vella Neples Vatican City Pick one of the 6 options above. 22 / 46 What's the capital of Lithuania? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 580,000 The city was founded in 1918 Interesting fact: the city center is a UNESCO world heritage! So, what is the capital of Lithuania? Luxembourg San Marino Zagreb Vienna Skopje Vilnius Pick one of the 6 options above. 23 / 46 What's the capital of Bulgaria? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1.24 million The city was founded 3,000 years ago Interesting fact: The first subway station took 30 years to build! So, what is the capital of Bulgaria? Kyiv Prague Sofia Zagreb Valletta Skopje Pick one of the 6 options above. 24 / 46 What's the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 280,000 The city was founded in 1461 Interesting fact: the city is sometimes called the "Jerusalem of Europe"! So, what is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Ljubljana Skopje Sarajevo Bratislava Chisinau Zagreb Pick one of the 6 options above. 25 / 46 What's the capital of Portugal? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 544,851 The city was founded in the latter half of the 5th or 6th century Interesting fact: You will be walking on a carpet of stone in this city! So, what is the capital of Portugal? Minsk Barcelona Livorno Porto Lisbon Faro Pick one of the 6 options above. 26 / 46 What's the capital of the Estonia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 437,000 The city was founded in 1219 Interesting fact: the city has a beach on its doorstep! So, what is the capital of Estonia? Tallinn Saint Petersburg Reykjavik Vilnius Chisinau Riga Pick one of the 6 options above. 27 / 46 What's the capital of Albania? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 557,000 The city was founded in 1614 Interesting fact: The city has no McDonald's! So, what is the capital of Albania? Helsinki Sofia Sarajevo Tirana Skopje Budapest Pick one of the 6 options above. 28 / 46 What's the capital of San Marino? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 4,000 The city was founded in 301 AD Interesting fact: it's the capital of the oldest republic in the world! So, what is the capital of San Marino? Monaco Santo Mario Vaduz Podgorica San Leo San Marino Pick one of the 6 options above. 29 / 46 What's the capital of Greece? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 3.15 million The city was founded in 508 BC Interesting fact: it's Europe's oldest capital! So, what is the capital of Greece? Athens Sofia San Marino Budapest Sofia Rome Pick one of the 6 options above. 30 / 46 What's the capital of Croatia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is around 820,000 The city was founded in 1242 Interesting fact: the city center has free Wi-Fi! So, what is the capital of Croatia? Vilnius Skopje Bratislava Vaduz Zagreb Luxembourg Pick one of the 6 options above. 31 / 46 What's the capital of Liechtenstein? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 5,670 The city has a 900-year-old castle Interesting fact: the city consists of only 6.7 sq miles (17.3 sq km)! So, what is the capital of Liechtenstein? Andorra la Vella Vatican City Valletta Vilnius San Marino Vaduz Pick one of the 6 options above. 32 / 46 What's the capital of Andorra? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 23,000 The city was founded in 1278 Interesting fact: 9% of the country is UNESCO World Heritage So, what is the capital of Andorra? Andorra la Rocca Andorra la Vella Vilnius Andorra la Paella Andorra el Ferro Valletta Pick one of the 6 options above. 33 / 46 What's the capital of Slovenia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 284,300 The city was established in the 1860s Interesting fact: the dragon is the symbol of the city! So, what is the capital of Slovenia? Zagreb Ljubljana Sofia Vilnius Treviso Riga Pick one of the 6 options above. 34 / 46 What's the capital of Luxembourg? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city around 128,514 The city once used to be the crossing of two Roman roads Interesting fact: almost half of the population is made up of foreigners! So, what is the capital of Luxembourg? Strasbourg Luxembourg Lichtenstein San Marino Brussels Vianden Pick one of the 6 options above. 35 / 46 What's the capital of Serbia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 1,4 million The city became the capital in 1405 Interesting fact: this city has had 15 different names! So, what is the capital of Serbia? Nicosia Kiev Belgrade Bratislava Budapest Sarajevo Pick one of the 6 options above. 36 / 46 What's the capital of North Macedonia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 560,000 The city's history begins more than 7,000 years ago Interesting fact: the city is known as the 'city of statues'! So, what is the capital of North Macedonia? Tirana Sarajevo Sofia Zagreb Skopje Minsk Pick one of the 6 options above. 37 / 46 What's the capital of Italy? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 4,4 million The city was founded on April 21, 753 BC Interesting fact: the city has more than 280 fountains! So, what's the capital of Italy? Milan Vienna Madrid Venice Rome Berlin Pick one of the 6 options above. 38 / 46 What's the capital of France? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 2.14 million The city was founded approximately 259 BC Interesting fact: the city is also called the city of light! So, what is the capital of France? Venice Paris Brussels London Marseilles Barcelona Pick one of the 6 options above. 39 / 46 What's the capital of Switzerland? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 144,00 The city was founded in 1191 Interesting fact: instant coffee was invented in this city! So, what is the capital of Switzerland? Vienna Bern Berlin Monaco Brussels Zurich Pick one of the 6 options above. 40 / 46 What's the capital of Iceland? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 122,853 The city was officially founded in 1786 Interesting fact: the tallest building in this city is a church! So, what is the capital of Iceland? Ljubljana Copenhagen Minsk Paphos Reykjavik Oslo Pick one of the 6 options above. 41 / 46 What's the capital of Ukraine? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 2,96 million The city was founded in the latter half of the 5th or 6th century Interesting fact: the city hast the deepest metro station in the world! So, what is the capital of Ukraine? Minsk Ljubljana Riga Odessa Warsaw Kyiv Pick one of the 6 options above. 42 / 46 What's the capital of the Netherlands? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city 545,000 The city was a fishing village in the late 12th century Interesting fact: the city has more bicycles than people! So, what is the capital of the Netherlands? Belfast Brussels Maastricht Rotterdam Amsterdam Paris Pick one of the 6 options above. 43 / 46 What's the capital of the Russia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 12.5 million The city was founded in 1147 Interesting fact: the city has the world's largest medieval fortress! So, what is the capital of Russia? Astana Saint Petersburg Warsaw Minsk Moscow Bucharest Pick one of the 6 options above. 44 / 46 What's the capital of Norway? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 702,543 The city was founded in 1050 Interesting fact: the city has the world’s largest sculpture park! So, what is the capital of Norway? Oslo Helsinki Stockholm Kopenhagen Dublin Bergen Pick one of the 6 options above. 45 / 46 What's the capital of Slovakia? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 475,000 The history of the city begins in 400 - 50 B.C. Interesting fact: The city is only 60km away from another European capital! So, what is the capital of Slovakia? Vilnius Bratislava Bucharest Minsk Bern Budapest Pick one of the 6 options above. 46 / 46 What's the capital of Montenegro? What capital is this? Scroll down and select one of the multiple choice options. Some Hints: The population of this city is 156,000 The city was founded in 1326 Interesting fact: it's one of the hottest capitals in Europe! So, what is the capital of Montenegro? Paphos Monaco Vaduz Podgorica Zagreb Chisinau Pick one of the 6 options above. Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter By Wordpress Quiz plugin