Departments of Bolivia. There are 9 departments in Bolivia. Each department has four senators. In this article we will get some general information about Bolivia’s deparments such as population and area. You can see Bolivia’s departments on the map below.
Departments of Bolivia
Trinidad is the capital. The population of the year 2012 is 421,196. It has an area of 213,564 square kilometers.
The Sucre is the capital. The population of 2012 is 576,153. It has an area of 51,524 square kilometers.
Cochabamba is the capital. The population for 2012 is 1,758,143. It has an area of 55,631 square kilometers.
La Paz
La Paz is the capital. The population for 2012 is 2,706,351. At the same time it is the most populous city in the country. It has an area of 133,985 square kilometers.
Oruro is the capital. The population for 2012 is 494,178. It has an area of 53,588 square kilometers.
Cobija is the capital. The population of 2012 is 110,436. Also, Pando is Bolivia’s least populous department. It has an area of 63,827 square kilometers.
Potosí is the capital. The population for 2012 is 823,517. It has an area of 118,218 square kilometers.
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz de la Sierra is the capital city. The population for 2012 is 2,655,084. It has an area of 370,621 square kilometers. It is also the department having the largest surface area of the country.
Tarija is the capital. The population of 2012 is 482,196. It has an area of 37,623 square kilometers. Also, Tarija is the department with the smallest area of Bolivia.