Even if people, countries or events are different, the bleeding scandal of the public sector around the world is the same:
“In many countries, the situation has become even worse, compared to last year, which is extremely alarming.”
Finn Heinrich, Research Director of Transparency International
In these article, you will find about the Corruption in Europe and in the World.
According to Transparency’s annual report Corruption Perception Index, governments around the world are explaining that they are committed to fighting bribery and corruption at every opportunity.
But often they do not go beyond being hollow words.
According to the International Transparency Group’s data, we have mapped the index of corruption in the world
Corruption Map of the World
As you can see, almost every country in the world is getting corruption.
Countries that you see in the shades of green are the least corrupt countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay.
Especially in Africa and Asia, the situation is grave.
The African continent, which entered our lists as the poorest, most insecure continent of the world, was listed as the most corrupt continent.
North Koreans who are not aware of the world are also one of the countries most exposed to corruption in Asia. Besides, the fact that South Korea was in middle rank in corruption has touched us.
Corruption in Europe
Europe is the continent with the least corruption.
But that does not mean there is no corruption. We should not believe this partly beautiful picture.
Corruption costs EU economy 120 billion euros a year in the past year. Looking at this number, the cost of corruption to the EU economy coincides with the budget of the union.
Two-thirds of EU citizens believe that corruption is common in countries. A common view in Europe is that the way to succeed in business is through political affiliation.
Turkey, Greece, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic as leading countries considered most corrupt.
Denmark, Finland and Sweden are the least corrupt countries.
The European police organization Europol states that the organized criminal network has highly developed networks and points out that these groups have at least 3,000 numbers across Europe.
According to Europol, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy are emerging as countries where organized criminal organizations in the EU are widespread.
But most of the ‘offenses of duty’, such as bribery and tax evasion, are common in EU countries. According to the report of the EU Commission, half of the countries in the EU are corrupt.
In Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, bribery is particularly prevalent in the health care sector.